~****My Journal****~
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Welcome to my Journal

Hey everybody! I'm going to be putting new entries in my journal every week. So check on here every Saturday for new entries around 2:00! talk to ya'll l8r

Hello, Today has been pretttty good! we had to take down the pool but that is about the only bad thing about today! lol All I did yesterday was watch TV and then woke up (this morning) came home, got on the computer, played with the animals, and put the pool away. ohhh and here I am on the computer again! lol well..... I guess thats about it for today! Toodles!      9-24-05

Hey there, Today was pretty good, other than the fact I had to go to the doctor today. ughhh! I've just been having a little problems breathing so I had to get new medicen. anyway, I got a bunch of new winter clothes that are really cool! I actually got to pick them out! So thats really something for me! lol anyway, I better get going! byeeeee      9-28-05

Hey, man, its getting soooo close to Christmas! usually for kids it goes soooo slow! But to me now its gone by so fast! it was like just yesterday that I got my camera! I guess it goes by fast for me now because I have money now and I have to buy presents! lol I can't wait until I get to take drivers ed! Its only like 6 or 7 more months and then I can take it!!!! Nobody could EVER guess how happy I am!! Right now the only thing I can drive is a golf cart, so YA I'm pretty happy! lol

Hey everybody! Well, yesterday Sam couldn't come over because she was sick! (so sad) But thats ok because dad took me out to breakfast today and then we went to Wal-Mart! yay! Oh ya, we went to look at some cars too! I have found mine! A VW Jetta! oh man those are sooo cute! I either want red, yellow, bright blue, silver, or pink! lol not black or green or white! I want something that will stand out! lol I don't have a problem with those colors I just want mine to be well.... different! lol Anyway, I guess I'd better go huh? lol l8r ppl!    19-8-05